In Memory of Our Classmates

Jim Baker
Stacey Brown
Frank Brucato
Lenny Colon
Todd W. Bryan
Jay E. Dorsey
Naima Leone Hadden
Gary Houser
Karen Hudak Toorish
John Marshall
Jeff Mitchell
John Murray
Tim Musial
Bill Porter
Michel Sanyk
Mike Shaltens
Elayne Weston Spencer
Eric Spriesterbach
Bill Wintucky

Sincere sympathy to Elayne Weston's family and friends.
Elayne passed on April 7, 2015
Elayne Weston Spencer

Condolences to Karen Hudak's daughter, family and friends.
Karen passed away on May 22, 2014
 Cleveland Plain Dealer Obituary here.
KAREN (Hudak) TOORISH Obituary
Karen Hudak Toorish


Condolences to Jeff Mitchell's wife, family and friends.
Jeff passed away on April 10, 2011.
Cleveland Plain Dealer Obituary here.
Jeff Mitchell

August 2003
20th Reunion : Friday Night at Ironwood
Lance Shestina, Tim Musial, Ron Negray, 
Tom Seighman, Neal Neroni 
[click photo to enlarge]

Photos and memorials for deceased classmates should be sent to
for inclusion on this page.

1 comment:

Chris Pekarik said...

Frank Brucato made a very small, simple gesture towards me, that probably saved my life at the time. That was 9th grade. Thanks Frank!